A review by jackiehorne
Takeover by Anna Zabo


M/m romance with the "meet and tryst on vacation, return to discover you're working together" trope. Sam Andersen was out and proud as an undergrad, but after experiencing the homophobia of the grad school business world, shut himself back in. He's looking to get laid on a short trip to Curacao before starting a new job, and finds the embodiment of his sexual dreams in Michael, who sees past his CEO confidence to his desire to be controlled in bed. Unfortunately, Michael's vacation ends the next day.

Both Michael and Sam are shocked to discover the company Sam has been brought in to "fix" is the one Michael is currently working at. Sexy times between boss and employee are definitely a no-no, but as the tension from the company's board tightens, Sam needs the release that only Michael can seem to give him.

The behind-the-scenes embezzlement plot falls rather flat, but the dynamic between Sam and Michael made the story well worth a read. Most of the m/m romances I've read of late have been set in very gay-friendly communities. I guess it shouldn't have come as such a surprise that many American professional communities are still incredibly homophobic—especially the world of high-stakes business wheeling and dealing.

Will definitely be reading more from Zabo.