A review by dahabow
What Comes of Eating Doughnuts With a Boy Who Plays Guitar by Nicole Campbell


Rating: 5/5 contemporary romance stars! <3 or should I say doughnuts seeing ad it's more fitting!

I adored this book! It had the right amount of cuteness, sarcasm from every character, hot dudes galore and most importantly it was great to read after my fantasy high!
First of all...ETHAN! Oh. My. God. I'm in love. He plays guitar, he's smoking hot, his smirks have me giggling like a school girl (which I am actually!) and he is one smooth flirtatious guy! I fell in love the moment we met him and I was shipping him with Courtney...still am, so I better get this ship sailing in the second book, Nicole! Also, I love the ring he gifts to Courtney...I need someone like Ethan
Courtney: This girl is your typical good girl, quiet, keeps to herself...until the summer in Ohio where she meets hot, fun Ethan. She went under so much character development and she's so relateable because I'd rather read instead of go to a party...and she'd rather not go to a party too...until certain circumstances happen and she becomes adventurous and mature and just AVSKSJSH I loved her. it's been a while since I've read a contemporary and this was a great one. But this review is not ending on this note...oh no. How could I forget about the side characters?
Vanessa: epic friend, funny, amazing & so supportive and sweet! I loved her and Courtneys interactions so freaking much!
But I need answers...like what happened with her and her douche first boyfriend? :/
Luke: sweet, hot & King of Bad Timing. Just read it and see :)
The plot was something I didn't expect...everything was going great, then summer ends & Court goes home and then she visits 2 months later for a weekend and then leaves after an epic time with Ethan and...everything went to shit. Like I sat there feeling so sad and frustrated because I knew what was to come...then.... (SPOILERS) the break up. I felt as zombie like as Courtney...maybe even more so...it got worse...and worse...and nd then things started to look up with Ben...i mean...he's nice so there's that...but still my otp...MY OTP MUST SAIL <3 <3

All in all...i adored that Epilogue...ALAS ME NEED MORE! I NEED IT LIKE AIR :DDD