A review by ambersmith1_2
This Delicious Death by Kayla Cottingham


The book was really good. Interesting till the end and a really big twist nearing the end. You would have never expected that a ghoul had anything to do with what was going on. I did expect the other members of the band to be apart of some kind of ghoul hate group and honestly suspected them the minute Val went missing. But never thought that Cole was any part of it when we found out he was a ghoul too. Especially because he was so nice to her and seemed to genuinely like her. Though her and Celeste were the cuter couple and were definitely who I wanted to get together. He kind of just came in and suddenly entered, ruining what Celeste and her already had going when she saw the two kissing. I felt really bad for Celeste in that scene, seeing someone you love kissing someone else is a terrible feeling. And that was one thing the author did really well. Showing the emotions that they were feeling throughout the entire book.