A review by thebobsphere
A Dictator Calls by Ismail Kadare


 Ismail Kadare is one of those writers who I just don’t like. I’ve always thought his plots were interesting but his writing style does not gel with me. I find it laborious.

While researching, Kadare discovers that in 1934 Josef Stalin called Boris Pasternak for three minutes in order to enquire about an arrested poet. Kadare then takes this call and views it from 11 different perspectives, with a 12th being an epilogue. In the process Kadare discovers the link between politics and literature or how literature is a form of protest.

I didn’t like the book. I found it dull and a slog for such a short novel. Even the message didn’t impress. I know one can’t like every book on a longlist and this is the one.