A review by despinareviews
Walking the Serpentine: A collection of poems by Craig Dinsell


This was a poetry collection which comes from a Christian perspective but many of the poems simply had that as an undertone rather than an overt statement which was pleasant - nothing felt too overly preachy but you could definitely see the worldview it was written from. As I quite like subtler nods like this it felt a lot nicer than some things I have read.

I have to say that though some of the poems felt quite meaningful and poignant, the majority for me fell a bit flat and the meaning really did go above my head. As a well-educated person, I believe that I fall within the target demographic of this collection and I still struggled quite a bit. If I am having to search what words mean in order to make sense of a sentence I am probably going to enjoy the experience less ...

I was provided with a complimentary copy of this collection via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review, which I leave voluntarily.