A review by kgirardreads
This Cruel Design by Emily Suvada


I absolutely love the premise of this series. Hacking genetic code? Fascinating. I love that this series is every bit as philosophical as it is suspenseful. It's definitely a dystopia, but it doesn't completely fall into all of the tropes of a dystopia. There's an evil empire, but that empire is humanized in a way that other novels don't really do, and it's not so much about overthrowing the power structures as it is about redeeming them, I think.

This book picks up where the first left off, and it goes deeper and even more philosophical. Readers will be disappointed by the romance quotient but will be engaged by Cat's endeavor to figure herself out. The end will definitely leave you ready for the next installment. Seriously, there had better be another book, or I will revolt. This is a fast-paced page-turner that will appeal to those interested in science and those interested in the question of what it means to be human.