A review by xiraani
The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black


I never knew what to write to „review“ the series. however, a week ago, a friend of mine read the books because i recommended them and send me a „feedback“ which i think would be funny to post on here. so without further adue:
**this has been written from his perspective**

Now to the actual feedback: I'll say what I think about each character and maybe say sth about the plotline

Firstly the main character: Jude
She, has some problems. Like:
1) addicted, really addicted to danger and adrenaline, but doesn't confess it. Even though everyone knows it.
2) She does not back down, at all. If I dared her who could jump off a bridge the fastest, she'd jump. Immediately. And she'd like it.
3) She has a weird, almost sexual {Once you summ in Cardan that almost, it's thrown out} relationship with danger {like a masochist}
4) She likes to forcefully take pretty things {Cardan}
5) She has an OK relationship with her sisters {Taryn should have drowned in that river}
6) Oriana … prefers Taryn
7) She is Madoc’s daughter in every regard; Even tho he murdered her parents
8) Dain’s especially usefully to her
9) The court of shadows - also -++-; The Ghost has an unfortunate destiny…why give your true name to some brat; To the Bomb and the Roach - happy marriage
10) Valerian deserved it {I can't seem to remember whether the body was excavated or just left at Madoc’s}
11) Nicasia’s jealous of her
12) I didn't notice this while reading, but Jude has a really weird hairstyle, a bit like a demon's
13) She’s severely stressed and afraid all the time, except when she's with Madoc - then she's terrified;
14) Loves her father’s murderer
15) Only person in all of Faerie to be able to beat Madoc
16) Got many traits from her father: brave, cunning, strategic thinking
17) I can't really think of other problems, but that one's ginormous
18) In conclusion - I blame Madoc for her twistedness

1) An awful sister
2) Adaptive
3) Decadent
4) Surprisingly violent {her whole family actually, except for Vivi}
5) Does not beg Jude for forgiveness, even tho she ought

1) Surprisingly the only one that hasn't killed a person
2) Cat-eyed
3) Lesbian
4) Hates faerieland, and yet comes back and stays there for her sisters, so a good big sister
5) Despises Madoc - bad heir
6) Breakes Faerie to her gf in the worst possible, but most vivi possible way
7) Glamours her gf - shouldn't have

1) Jude is sympathetic to her
2) Lesbian
3) Gets lied to
4) For some reason accepts Vivi's explanation and goes to Faerie
5) Gets cursed
6) Jude threatens violence if curse isn't removed, which is successful, as always
7) Gets glamoured by her lover
8) Breakes up with Vivi
9) Bargain with Vivi
10) Idk if they get together again
11) All in all - good

1) Boring, could have had more depth to her
2) Madoc’s loyal wife, which is admirable

1) Bloodthirsty
2) Cunning
3) Ambitious
4) Like Napoleon, except unsuccessful
5) Would follow him in war
6) fav character
7) Mindbogglingly violent
8) It's weird to dip a cap in blood {this also concerns Grima Mog}
9) Again, fav character
10) Forgive him for all the murders - Eva, Justin, the whole royal family and all the others, using the ghost, half-killing Jude, okay it's much it's bad, but I forgive him and Jude should have too and he shouldn't have been exiled.

1) Jude's pokie
2) Jude's pretty little thing
3) Extreme, unnatural beauty
4) Sees a pretty, violent thing from another species and can't stop thinking about it
5) Gets dominated in an underground dungeon {gets threatened with a knife to his throat}
6) Jude thinks that: a) Carr's really fine; b) she can be less afraid of him if she dominates him: c) wants Carr to be afraid of her;
7) Grew up with no love, like none, zero, nada, никаква, ohne
8) For some reason {prolly getting sweeped of his feet by Jude} stops being cruel halfway through the book, rips a wing off of a moth-boy's back. Goes a long way from that to being Jude's tame little puppy
9) He really desires Jude, that's lit his most characteristic trait; He's depressed during Jude's exile. Downtrodden
1) Died too late
2) Should have died sooner
3) His murder is Taryn's one redeeming trait
4) Good job Taryn, for once
5) Trickster
6) Liar
7) Flatterer
8) Drama queen
9) Annoying
10) Serves no purpose
11) Is void of a goal in life
12) Decadent

1) Deserved it

1) Loves Cardan, at least as a friend, if not more, jealous of Jude cuz of it
2) Not much else going on in her life

1) At first presented as good, we later find out he’s just as bad as Balekin
2) Power-hungry
3) Sends the ghost to kill Liriope {while she’s with child}
4) Gives Jude the geas that protects her throughout the book, lucky on Jude’s part he dies in the beginning

1) Arrogant, which leads to stupidity, causing his downfall
2) Cruel
3) Ambitious

Other members of the royal family and Eldred:
1) They did not see what was coming for them

1) Powerful, clever, cruel, nothing intrigueing

Lord Roiben:
1) Protects his people
2) Did not deserve for his gf to get assaulted
3) Has my admirations

Lord Severin:
1) Again, protects his people, admirable
2) Gives his sword

The lords of all the lower courts:
1) Nothing of note
1) Selfish, many of the characters are, but this one very
2) Never liked him much

The court of teeth:
1) Unnecessarily cruel
2) Tricksters
3) Evil

Grima Mog:
1) Redcaps are strange, how do they even do it

Dulcamara: is annoying

Conclusion: The whole Trilogy is just a game of chess between Jude and Madoc, Jude wins manly
due to: luck, edge in the information warfare, being underestimated by Madoc. Great book. Many plottwists. Would recommend. Though you have already read it.