A review by angieinthemorning
Justice League, Vol. 2: The Villain's Journey by Jim Lee, Sandra Hope, Alex Sinclair, Pete Pantazis, Carlos D'Anda, Scott Williams, Sonia Oback, Trever Scott, Matt Banning, Gene Ha, Alex Garner, Jonathan Glapion, Mark Irwin, Joe Weems, Rob Hunter, Art Lyon, Geoff Johns, Sal Cipriano, Pat Brosseau, Joe Prado, Gabe Eltab, Nick J. Napolitano, Ivan Reis, Ethan Van Sciver


I wonder if Geoff Johns has even bothered to read the current Wonder Woman solo book (which is wonderful, by the way), and I wonder if he did read it and just decided to disregard everything about it, from characterization to the story itself. Not only is his take on Diana clumsy and inconsistent at /best/ but he also seems determined to make Steve Trevor/Diana this epic love that once was; never mind that he's not even been mentioned once in Diana's solo book. I understand that this is his incompetent way of creating a love triangle between Diana, Steve and Clark, of course, but the whole thing is plain laughable because Clark and Diana have barely interacted at all.

Really, the first six issues were fun, but now I can't help but to roll my eyes and groan every time Hal Jordan goes on about how "useless" Bruce is because he's got no powers. Especially because all Hal Jordan seems to do is screw up every other issue. At least Johns had Diana give him a deserved verbal and physical smack down - at least there was that.