A review by imme_van_gorp
God of Malice: Special Edition Print by Rina Kent




I’m absolutely flabbergasted that anyone could call this a romance book. It’s a horror story, from start to finish. I honestly don’t even want to believe that this book actually exists in this genre.

The hero literally rapes the heroine when they first meet and then he continues to rape her for almost the whole book until she finally gives into him completely and becomes his permanent fuck-toy without fighting back anymore.
The heroine has a lot of self-esteem issues and doesn’t have the energy to fight against this monster in the end, so she just gives up. He tells her what to do at all times, and eventually she just does it without even bothering to say no or voice her opinion, because she knows she has no say anyway. He continues to slap, choke and rape her, but somehow that’s okay, because now she sort of wants it…?

How can this sound like a happy ending to anyone!??
This story is a goddamn tragedy, and it’s making me loose all faith in humanity that some people are actually SIMPING for this abusive rapist while calling the victim “boring”. There’s just no way.