A review by oliviaoverthinkseverything
The Young Widower's Handbook: A Novel by Tom McAllister


Having never lost a spouse myself, I wasn't sure I could even begin to imagine the emotions and thoughts that would accompany becoming a widow at such a young age. I worried that this book would be depressing. I was so surprised when I found that not only could I relate to Hunter, even though our personalities and beliefs are very different, I didn't find the book depressing at all. It was somber and melancholy, certainly, but it was so raw and real. The plot isn't what's important in this book so much as the details, the little landmarks and road signs of a relationship. I especially loved how Hunter almost deified Cady and his relationship with her earlier on, and later moved to acknowledge their flaws and deficiencies without ever letting go of his love for her. One of my favorite reads of 2017 by far.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.