A review by heyitsyii
The Widow of Wall Street by Randy Susan Meyers


The Widow of Wall Street is a fictional retelling of the Bernie Madoff mess from his wife's point of view, starting from when she (Phoebe) first met Jake (Bernie) through around 2010. I'm not a fan of Wall Street and stocks, so I'm not an expert on his Ponzi scheme crap. However, reading this prompted me to do quite a bit of research into it all, and it made me realize how closely this novel mirrors what actually happened. Behind the scenes, in the home, who knows, but Jake's "business" model and how he ran his business? Nearly identical.

It was a sad read, because it was in mostly Phoebe's POV... who had no idea what was going on in her husband's life - his business, his extramarital dalliances, etc. But Jake gets what's coming to him - thanks, karma!

A sad story about a woman who hitched her ship to the crummiest of crummy. But, she eventually deals and heals, in a way.

I'm making this sound like the whole book is about the aftermath. It's not. It's segmented into four or five parts, in chronological order. So, it's a fairly comprehensive narrative of their life together.

This is a very haphazard review, but long story short, I enjoyed it.

*thanks to Netgalley and Atria Books for the arc!!