A review by booknallnight
The United States of Cryptids: A Tour of American Myths and Monsters by J.W. Ocker

funny informative fast-paced


This book is awesome and just too much fun. I love monsters and myths and this was a perfect Spooktober read. There are so many in here I had no clue about so that in itself is a huge plus.

What I loved most, besides the informative history of each cryptid, is the humor within each story. This may be a Non-Fiction but it definitely doesn't read that way.

This book would actually make a great tour guide for those who want to travel across the US and check each mystical sighting out in hopes of spotting these elusive creatures.  Happy HuntingšŸ¤£

I sincerely appreciate Quirk Books for a review copy. While a review wasn't expected, I have offered my opinion and these are my own thoughts.