A review by gydacharm
Bloodshot by Cherie Priest


I'm currently in a reading mood and after seeing this in the library instead of "Boneshaker," I decided to read it. I'm not completely into all of the urban fantasies. I'm a bit picky. I started this book and after the first page, I had to take a break. I read another book instead and repicked it up. I still couldn't stand it and read a different book. Two books later, I finally forced myself to finish it. The entire time I read it, I couldn't get into it. I didn't feel completely engrossed in this world. I couldn't feel connected to the main character. I found her unlike-able and annoying at times. Since it was written in first person in a psuedo-journal format, I felt that was weaker because of that. I'm a fast reader and I felt like it was agony just going from chapter to chapter. I finally skipped to the end, read the last chapter and forced myself to finish it. I guess reading that there was some potential romance between her and Ian (the blind vampire), it made it easier to push through. I'm not saying that I wanted steamy sex scenes in every chapter but it didn't even seem like she much liked him other than pitied him for his ailment. I felt like if there was more hints that there was an attraction to him, it would have been different? I just read a book that there was subtle hints of attraction but no steamy make-out sessions and what not, so it is possible! Either way, I just rated it as two stars because of the unlikable mc, dragging plot and what not. It really could have been better cause the premise is interesting!