A review by zareena
Terminated by Rachel Caine


I love Rachel Caine's series (Morganville Vampires, Revivalist, etc.) and for good reasons. She has kick ass characters, sweet romances that I adore, and action-packed scenes. Terminated was the same and it was possibly the best in the Revivalist series.

Bryn is facing horrifying effects from her new upgrades with a need for meat in order to keep her body functioning; she is basically a flesh-eating zombie. She's trying so hard to hang on to her humanity, to see past the twists and turns that her life has taken, and refrain from becoming a monster. Bryn, Patrick, Joe, Pansy, and Manny have joined together (although somewhat reluctantly) to stop Jane and those who plan to launch Returné as a military upgrade. This is their last chance and all the stops are being pulled out.

The plot flows quite quickly with lots of fight scenes, hand-to-hand combat, and even a few bombs. The "spy" and "covert" feeling to this book adds to the whole atmosphere of the story and I could feel the tension and the urgency in everybody's actions. Terminated was more gruesome than I remember the other two being, but it worked, making everything more gritty in a way that I liked. In Terminated everybody made hard choices to stop the spread of Returné and the consequences and severity of the situation completely came to life.

Amid the fighting and tension were Bryn and Patrick. Their relationship is a bit rocky in the beginning - Bryn doesn't know how to feel about everything to do with Jane - and I don't blame her. She was tortured by this woman and comes out to find out that Jane was married to the man she loves. However, Bryn comes to terms with it and accepts that it wasn't Patrick's fault, none of it was. When everything seemed to be collapsing and I didn't know if the characters I loved were going to make, their relationship survived. There were some great scenes between these two - both on the battlefield and off.

Besides a few bumps in how the story flowed, Terminated was perfect. The ending was also perfect and I'm sad to say goodbye. I would recommend this to anybody who likes books with spies or black ops. :)

5 stars