A review by brendaoliva
Glimmerglass by Jenna Black


4.5 Stars!

I really enjoyed this book. It was such an original story, or at least it was for me since I’ve never read anything like this before. The story is about a 16 year old girl named Dana who lives with her alcoholic mother. They are often moving from place to place because Dana’s mother insist that they need to hide from Dana’s father, who is “a big time Fae” from Avalon. Dana has never met or talked to her father and since her mother is never sober long enough to have a real conversation with her, Dana often wonders if what she tells her about her father is true. Fed up with always having to take care of her mother and being humiliated time and time again, Dane decides to ran away from home and find her father. After all, how much worse can things be in Avalon? Avalon is the only place in the world where Fae and humans can coexist. A Fae cannot venture into the human world the same way a human cannot venture into Faerie. Dana has no trouble locating her father and even though he was ignorant to her existence, he wastes little time and arranges for her to fly into London where he has made arrangements for her to be picked up and brought into Avalon. When Dana arrives in London she finds that there is nobody waiting for her and after an hour of waiting she decides to take a cab into Avalon where she is certain her dad will be waiting at the gate as he promised. When Dana arrives in Avalon she makes her way through customs where she is detained. After a short interrogation, the border patrol agent informs Dana that she is her father’s sister, Grace. Aunt Grace tells Dana that her father is in jail due to a little misunderstanding and that she will be staying in her house until her father is released. Even though Dana is not fond of Aunt Grace she finds that she has very say in what will happen to her and where she will stay. She soon finds out that Grace intends to hold her captive for Dana’s “own benefit” as she kindly puts it. Dana is soon kidnapped by two teenage Faes, Ethan and his sister Kimber, who claimed to have rescued her. By this point you know someone is lying, but you don’t know exactly who. Ethan and Kimber are as trustworthy as Aunt Grace but Dana has no choice but to trust them until her father is out of jail. Dana soon learns she is a Faeriewalker, a being that is able to enter both the human and Fae world and who is able to bring magic into the human world and technology into Faerie. Dana is the only living Faeriewalker and she soon becomes a target. With no one to trust and people trying to either kidnap her or kill her Dana sets out in a journey she didn’t sign up for. All she wanted was to come to Avalon to find her father and live a normal life, but normal is no longer an option.

I really liked Dana. She had to grow up rather quickly living with an alcoholic mother who couldn’t take care of herself, let alone a child. It was sad to see that despite the fact she had found her father she wouldn’t be able to get what she yearned for the most: to live a normal life where she would be taken care of. I didn’t care for Dana’s mother, Cathy. Cathy is careless and despite the fact that Dana opened a can of worms when she stepped into Avalon, her father is the best choice she has at surviving and being cared for and yet her mother manages to dump all over that and makes her feel guilty about leaving her behind. Dana’s father Seamus on the other hand, I loved! He is… different, but in his own way, he is everything Dana had hoped for even if she doesnt know it yet.

I loved the uncertainty of not knowing who was out to get Dana and who was really trying to help her. The book was very descriptive and unique. It was not slow and so easy to read. I really liked the book even though it lacked a little in the romance department for my taste. I will definitely read the next two books soon