A review by mrtumnusscarf
Ordinary Monsters by J.M. Miro

Did not finish book. Stopped at 59%.
I can't quite put my finger on why this wasn't for me. It had all the right elements, they were just not quite right. The pacing, or timing, or importance of events was just off. Some of the characters did things that made no sense, and knew things that other more well-informed characters didn't know. 
The last straw for me was when they track down "the nursemaid" who stole Marlowe. She somehow knew all the secrets and inner workings of the institute, much more than the second in command, who worked there for decades knew.  Why wasn't she asked any of these questions when it happened? Why would she still have the talisman that is obviously important?
Also, it was strongly implied that Berghast is Marlowe's father. Then the nursemaid casually mentions his parents, so I guess Berghast is not the father?
And I know Charlie's father has some connection, I just don't care at this point.

I also found some of the language repetitive. I was really considering finishing it, but as I type all of this out I realize I made the right choice stopping. Too bad, I really wanted to like this.