A review by donnaadouglas
What to Expect When You're Expecting by Heidi Murkoff


Although this books contains a lot of useful information, it is very much geared towards an American reader (thus some quite lengthy sections, such as choosing healthcare providers, etc. just aren't relevant if you're not giving birth in the US).

My other gripe would be that it's soooooo densely packed with information - it's not very well laid out, and as a result it's difficult to find specific information quickly (at least with the e-book version). I'm finding [b:Your Pregnancy Bible|838826|Your Pregnancy Bible|Anne Deans|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1178807695s/838826.jpg|824396] to be a much easier read, and is therefore much more informative for me (although this one is geared towards a UK reader, so if you're not British there might be parts which aren't so relevant to you).