A review by littletaiko
Time After Time by Lisa Grunwald


Okay, I generally love a good time travel novel. Throw in the setting of Grand Central Terminal and I should be in love with this book. However, I just found it okay. The premise is that Nora, who died at the age of 23 in Grand Central Terminal, keeps reappearing on the anniversary of her death. Joe, who works there, sees her one day and they instantly are attracted to each other and fall in love. I loathe instantly falling in love stories so that aspect really didn't work for me.

I ended up liking Nora more than I expected because she's the more practical of the two and can see all the problems they face: she can't leave the terminal, she never ages while he does, neither one of them s living a full and real life, etc...I was happy that the book wasn't completely predictable and took some turns that I wasn't completely expecting.