A review by bluestarfish
Enter a Murderer by Ngaio Marsh


Second Roderick Alleyn detective story and the action happens in a theatre when a prop gun fires a real gun during a play. Having been invited along to the play by the hero of the last book, Nigel Bathgate, Alleyn is in the right place at the right time to help solve the murder. Theatre works as a much better backdrop for the mystery for Ngaio Marsh than the country house. Nigel just seems to hang around to be a Watson for Alleyn and is a rather irritating character this time, and is also a journalist who meekly submits his articles for censorship by the police before publication? (I guess he gets a few scoops out of it but it still sounds odd these days. Suspension of disbelief and all that I suppose.) The other irrelevant point that caused me to wonder was the play at the Unicorn Theatre. It is about rats and beavers but it did sound a bit grown up for a supposedly children's theatre? Although that point was merely something interesting to think about alongside trying to guess whodunit.