A review by rotellareads
The Prince and the Pawn by B.B. Reid

Did not finish book.
Tyra and Vaughn were my least favorite characters in this series. This proved to be even more apparent in this book. Vaughn was a cheating, gross, douchecanoe and Tyra was a weak, submissive doormat. The entire storyline around the sister Selena made me cringe. Especially the virginity scene. Gross. You build up this entire plot line around a character losing her virginity and that’s how you go about it? Hard pass.

Vaughn was absolutely unredeemable at every turn and Tyra proved over and over again that she had no spine what so ever. The best part of this book was the epilogues at the end about the other couples.

I DNF’d this book at 27%. Slimmed some parts and jumped to the epilogues. I’ve never experienced this with a BB Reid book and I hope this was a one off because I usually LOVE her books!!!