A review by islandgeekgirl
Siege of Shadows by Sarah Raughley


This sequel to Fate of Flames picked up not long after the first book left off and it showed right away that there was still plenty of story and action to tell in this series. There was more character growth and world-building added to the overall story, and it definitely added more twists. I really liked seeing how the bond between the four Effigies was developing and the group had such an interesting contrast. There was Maia, the main character, as the newbie; Lake as the girl who was afraid to fight; Chin Rae who was always ready with a sarcastic comment; and Belle, the leader who seemed fearless.

The book was all in Maia's POV again, and it really showed how far she'd come from the beginning of the first book when she was an Effigies fangirl. Now she could hold her own in their missions and, even if she sometimes got a little over-exuberant, she was willing to learn and try. Sometimes she made the wrong decision in dealing with things she'd discovered but it was always to protect someone from getting hurt or because she thought she was doing the right thing. This book did feel a little Maia heavy compared to the first where the other three girls seemed more present, but Maia was the main character so it made sense.

I thought the pacing and plot reveals were nicely done. Every time it started to feel like the book was slipping into a slower pace, maybe a little middle book syndrome, something would happen to pick things up again. It kept my mind from wandering while I was reading and it managed to surprise me a few times, which is always a plus. Overall, I did enjoy it a little more than the first book so hopefully the third keeps up the trend.

*I received a copy of this book from Indigo Books & Music in exchange for an honest review.