A review by anji87
The From-Aways by CJ Hauser


Based on the cover and the first page, I thought that I was going to like this book a lot. Thought, is the operative word here. Told in two different points of view, both of which are 1st person in alternating chapters, "The From Aways" is a a story of two women and the seaside town that they call home. One is newly married Leah, the other is motherless Quinn. They settle in Menamon, Maine and their paths cross at the local paper where they have both been hired as journalists. They have to work together to discover the secrets of their fishing town, and in doing so they set a series of events in motion that changes everyone and everything.

The only good thing that I can say about this book is that the two POV's are very distinct. Leah, coming from a wealthy family in NYC speaks as though she is used to life going easy to her while Quinn, who has had it rough, curses a lot and is very blunt.

Other than the two POV's, the meandering plot takes too long to get going, and when it should finally come to a climax, it fizzles out, leaving an open ended finish which may be realistic, but not what I would call a good ending for a work of fiction.

2.5 stars, bumped down to 2 because of the lack of resolution for the characters in the end.