A review by edshara
Splinter in the Blood by Ashley Dyer


A random pick from a Little Free Library, that turned into a pretty enjoyable 4 star read.

Splinter in the Blood, started off quick, by dropping us, right into the middle of things. However, after the quick start, things slowed down. Now, I did find the book still interesting, even at its slower pace. Its just out of the multiple books, I was reading, it wasn’t always my first choice to pick up. During the slowdown you’re given background information on the main characters, victims and even some musings from the Thorn Killer. It was all well and good, but I kept waiting for something explosive to happen. (Especially since this is a serial killer, mystery/thriller).

The characters were likable, even Greg, who was definitely a jerk. I know it’s the formula to tease bits and pieces, but I would’ve liked more information on Ruth. It’s like we circled around her quirks, without ever really getting anything definite about the why. The antagonist is mostly hidden, yet you can still probably figure things out, if that’s your goal. For the most part, Splinter in the Blood, reads like an episode of the original Law & Order series. You’re gonna get a lot of information and maybe even learn something new. Throw in a few climactic points before an ending that feels a little rushed. Good, but probably not for everyone.