A review by mxbookmoth
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by Glyn Robbins, C.S. Lewis


It took me ages to re-read this, as I'm going through a reading slump at the moment! 🤦🏽‍♀️ But I'm hoping to pick up the pace with the next Book {The Horse And His Boy}. 👍🏽 This is Book 2 in the series for me-There's an explanation as to why on my review of The Magician's Nephew. 👌🏽

I enjoyed re-reading this book as much as the first one {The Magicians Nephew}. 😁 Again, the nostalgia, nativity, innocence & fantasy in it's endearing. 🦁 I love how it continues on from the first Book, linking & explaining previous events, whilst going deeper into Narnia & the story. 😉

I'm still not loving the good & bad, black & white, outdated views & Christian undertones {Personally} expressed in various ways throughout the story. 😐 But like I've said before, I'm aware that it's an expression of the time period & the Authors bias & I know it doesn't change throughout the series. So it is what it is. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Maybe I'll stop being annoyed by it...Nah, I won't. 😏

Onto the next Book! 🔜