A review by kimball_hansen
The Power of Vulnerability: Teachings of Authenticity, Connections and Courage by Brené Brown


This was a great book. If you're familiar with the notorious Ted Talks she did then this just expounds on it. I wished she had talked more about the importance of not worrying about what other people think. I think if one doesn't care what people think (in a non-rude way of course) then that is a simple solution to incorporate The Power of Vulnerability.

I thought it was interesting the part she talked about of the effects of siblings/family members on a person. Family relationships can be so destructive that it can totally change the outlook and future of a person. It's a crock.

I also liked the part where she taught how important Play was in relationships and individuals. it reminds of me the quote by C.S. Lewis: "The state of enchantment is the willingness to be delighted to the point of self-abandonment this free and full gift to oneself to a story is found in children and some adults. They are the great of fears of adolescence." And: "Putting away childish things means to put away the fear of childness and the desire to be very grown up." And finally: "Adolescence experiences the fear of being deceived, the fear of being caught believing what other people have ceased to believe, to be gullible, naïve." Bottom line is be Young At Heart.

I need to do better at not worrying because we worry because we think it will protect us from the worst case scenario. But, worry depletes us of the joy that we will actually need if/when bad things happen.

Good Stuff.