A review by farah357
Doing Harm: The Truth about How Bad Medicine and Lazy Science Leave Women Dismissed, Misdiagnosed, and Sick by Maya Dusenbery


Very informative and eye opening on the gender bias in medicine and honestly so frustrating that medicine can be so egocentric and sexist . Being a medical student myself , I usually heard professors discrediting women's symptoms and saying that they are doing it for attention , after reading this book I think that a medicine curriculum revolution is really needed for professors that have sexism ingrained in them . I also learned a lot from it and honestly am grateful for having the chance to read it and hopefully I can become a good physician who actually LISTENS
Why the three stars then ?!
The writing .
It was so repetitive , you can delete certain paragraphs and it won't make a difference .. Sometimes I became so bored that I contemplated just reading a summary of the book or just dnfing it . Only the critical information presented in the book kept me reading . I think it needs a new edition and some good editing.