A review by etras
ESEPATA by Stephanie Fuchs

Did not finish book. Stopped at 33%.
My grandma gave me this book, because she really liked it and I gave it a chance, because the premise was very promising and it sounded quite interesting, but that was about the only good thing about it. The author obviously does not know what a comma or the little word 'and' is. Most of the sentences in this book are 7-9 words long and are followed by two or more sentences (same length or shorter), that could've been connected to the first one with mentioned comma or 'and' and this made me fucking aggressive. So the book had (at least for me) no reading flow, which made it soo hard to read, without trying to rage quit every few minutes. 
Also the suicide mention of the mother was so insensitive

Like I said it has quite the interesting topic, but I bet you can find that aswell in a better written book. 
If I didn't dnf I would've given it 2-2.5 stars.