A review by bookmarkedjosie
The Escape Room by Megan Goldin


The Escape Room by Megan Goldin, is a medium-paced mystery/thriller. It has somewhat short chapters, so it's easy to go through. 

Unfortunately, I can't say this book was "it" for me. I expected a lot from the synopsis. I expected a more "Saw"-like book, with gore and extreme thrill and biting-my-nails moments, but there weren't any. 

We're alternating between two timelines: the past, from a specific character's POV; and the present, with other characters, stuck in an elevator, told in the third person, from their POV. 

For people looking for an escape game environment and movie-like experience, I don't recommend this book. 
For people looking for an investment bankers/wall street vibe, I do recommend this book. 

The financial, hard-working environment is what you get the most of. You don't see many riddles, games or dilemmas at all, if any. 

I didn't feel like much happened at all. According to StoryGraph, it's a fast-paced novel, but since there isn't much happening, it felt medium-paced to me. 

I figured out the plot twist pretty early on, but kept reading just to get the full explanations. I was, however, disappointed as nothing shocked me and I even thought some things were far-fetched.

I still finished the book, and found it interesting enough to keep going. The short chapters make it easy to fly through and even if it's predictable, you still want to keep going, for the most part. There were some parts that felt repetitive or dragged on (especially the past timeline), but the elevator parts were more interesting.