A review by arireavis
Incarnate by Jodi Meadows


2.5 Stars

Have you ever been soooooo excited about a book that you bought book 2 before even reading book 1? Have you ever been so sure that book 1 would be all types of awesome, so thought nothing of buying that 2nd book? I did and..... I was wrong.
I was so bored. Nothing happens until almost 70%. SEVENTY PERCENT!!!!!! Ok, let me go back to the beginning and rant, I mean explain, from there.
The world just seemes so weird. There are dragons, trolls, and centaurs, but they also had modern technology.
I couldn't seem to get past how the reincarnated people came back as different genders throughout their many lifetimes. That's just confusing. I'm getting poked, then the last lifetime I'm doing the sticking. Just weird.
Then freaking Ana just whined and whined and had no self esteem. I get that Li tore her down for years, but there's a point where you move on and tell Li and the crap she shoved down your throat to f*** off.
The romance....what romance?? Some hesitant kisses and paino playing? I demand more dammit.
Then when some action finally starts happening, you're getting whiplash trying to keep up with why and how Ana came about and what's happening and dragons and shadows that burn people attacking the city.
What I liked..... Any part with any type of action or mystery. But like I said, I already bought book 2 so guess who'll be continuing this series???? Yup, me.