A review by cherreadssharereads
Loveology: God. Love. Marriage. Sex. And the Never-Ending Story of Male and Female. by John Mark Comer


A little bit sad that I had to rate it so low -- I think I was majorly disappointed because I had high hopes for the book. I had attended the Q&A night they held for the Reality SF church -- similar to the Q&A John Mark Comer had in Portland that launched the idea of compiling the book. I loved how the Q&A was raw, relevant, and real, and expected the book to be the same format. I didn't particularly like how Comer's thoughts seemed disjointed and not cohesive in the book -- I think there were too many sentences with incomplete thoughts. Made it easy to read but content was a bit lacking, in my opinion. Maybe because I've read too many of these Christian self-help love/relationship books. I loved that Comer talked a lot about his own relationship with his wife and his own struggles -- really appreciated that. My favorite part was the transcribed Q&A at the back of the book.

Just bumped up my rating to 3 stars bc I feel bad. One takeaway I do appreciate from Comer is his definition of marriage -- I think this generation has gotten it all mixed up and we've let our cultural influences seep into how we think of marriage.

Comer writes, "The point of marriage isn't to find out missing half. It's to help each other become all that God intended. Our future, real selves. In marriage, two people partner to that end. They see the best in each other -- the person God created them to be -- and they push and pull each other toward that goal."