A review by the_bookubus
Slimer by Leroy Kettle, John Brosnan, Harry Adam Knight


3.5 stars

A group of six find themselves stranded at sea during a drug smuggling attempt. As they look for help they arrive at an oil rig which appears to be abandoned. But as they explore they discover that they might not be alone after all.

This was a fun romp, very of its time, and rather British (all things that I enjoy). My main complaint was that it took quite a while to really get going and it wasn't until about halfway through that things kicked into a higher gear. Sure, I still quite enjoyed getting to know the characters and the backstory and there were certainly some eerie moments as they explored the oil rig but it all felt a bit too slow and drawn out to really captivate me. Once things did start happening though it was fast-paced and very entertaining so I'm still glad I read it. My favourite parts were the descriptions of the creature and the various forms it took. There were some really fantastic and well-written details, and it gets pretty gross and unsettling at times all of which I thoroughly enjoyed. It's a fun mix of having a somewhat serious and well-thought out backstory while still being schlocky and silly at times. Overall an entertaining sci-fi horror and a quick read.

Just FYI: there is quite a bit of sexism and misogyny, mostly from one character in particular, along with some sexual content including sexual assault.