A review by stuck123
How to Fake-Date a Vampire by Linsey Hall


*ARC Review*

This was such a cute read! It had just the right amount of detail in the beginning. I find that sometimes, specifically with paranormal romance the detail/world building can be too heavy which is not always enjoyable. (I really only enjoy heavy world building in epic fantasy)

The story and their relationship progressed at just the right pace as well. Emma the FMC is a witch, and she is new to the town. She is trying to make her way to being an official witch in the towns coven and along the way she happens upon a duke who is also a vampire.

Little side note, there is way more witch content then vampire content but it didn’t bother me I actually liked that the author focused mainly on Emma.

They decide to fake date and inevitably fall for each other. This was a super light and fun read. It was pretty low on the angst, there is a third act break up but it was resolved very quickly and I would say Alaric really wasn’t that big of a turd. He also had the cutest grand gesture ever. Low spice but the chemistry was there the whole time and it didn’t subtract from the story.

If you love a good paranormal romance and are looking for something light hearted this is for you! It honestly helped me get out of a pretty big book slump!

*Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC