A review by schnoebs13
Library Wars: Love & War, Vol. 3 by Kiiro Yumi


What a cliff hanger!!!! I can say that this is definitely the volume that has me hooked on the series and officially emotionally attached to these characters. Instructor Dojo is such a little cinnamon roll in military clothing. I can't handle him most of the time (a good example is the shopping scene in the bonus pages at the end of this volume). What really got to me during this volume was that is once again showed the different type of power that were happening through this battle over censorship. Showing how talking and providing research to back up your words can be a lot more powerful in the right moment than physical action. But later in the volume it shows the opposite. Iku is faced with having to deal with past decisions playing a role in her current situation and this leads to many things happening throughout the volume. I loved this so much and the role Dojo played through out this had me tearing up a bit (total surprise to me since I didn't know I was that attached lol). I need to know what happens next because what a way to end it.