A review by calistareads
Witch Baby by Francesca Lia Block


I loved the first Weetzie Bat book. It was so stylish and this California surfer greaser vibe. It was one of the first books in the early 90s with gay characters for a young adult audience. Now that is so normal that it isn't much of a big deal, but respect for the groundbreaker.

This story follows Witch Baby, the daughter that was left on Weetzie and My Secret Agent Lover-Man's doorstep. They live in a house with several couples and Dirk and Duck are a gay couple. It's has a commune vibe. All the adults help to take care of Witch Baby, but she doesn't feel like she belongs and she stows away in the jeep of Dirk and Duck when they are on a weekend to Duck's parent's home and they don't know he's gay. Then she runs away looking for her mom. We find out Witch Baby is actually My Secret Agent Lover Man's daughter with another mother.

Witch Baby is experiencing alienation here and she is a drummer and a photographer and we don't know exactly how old she is here.

I didn't connect with this story nearly as much as the first one. It wasn't horrible, but I don't really remember a lot either. The story is really a Novella at about 80 pages. I thought Dirk and Duck could have had an interesting storyline if the story was focused there, but it wasn't. I think it's having the book be from a child's perspective. That's why it didn't work. That's it. That's the problem with this book. It really hobbled the story.

I do plan on going ahead with this series at some point. The next book is longer.