A review by daylightlantsov
It's Kind of a Cheesy Love Story by Lauren Morrill


I seriously cannot believe what I just read.

I can say with all my confidence that I absolutely enjoy cheesy love stories but this one will be the perfect example from now on.

I’m just so satisfied because of the way this book took. I love how the author wrote Beck, how she made her this introvert-geek teenage girl into a friend group full of extroverts. Her development was great and I recall how she made Beck realize that she was actually being the main impediment in her becoming more herself in front of her friends. How she made new friends and started to open up with them is one of my favorite things in this book. OH AND PLEASE LETS TALK ABOUT THAT ‘I DONT LIKE YOU’ TO FRIENDS TO LOVERS! UGH I’M A SUCKER FOR TRISTAN!!!