A review by jaypeg
Changed by Heather Dahlgren


I liked the blurb for this book. Girl gets bullied in High School so she reinvents herself for college. I just wish it had been expanded on a bit more. It basically gets covered in the first chapter then it's done. I think I was hoping for a bit more progression, a few obstacles and some eventual growth. I did like that she decides not to take any bullshit. You go girl!

I liked the fact that our h is going to have to examine her past feelings towards the H and move past them, but I feel this happens quite quickly. I think I wanted there to be a bit more of a drawn out dilemma here. I mean even I had a hard time forgiving such mean bullying. This could also have lead to more of a pursuit which I always like, but this was in fact, resolved pretty quickly.

Basically most of the storyline is superceded by ex-bully, turned nice-guy; Campbell, falling into deep, unmitigating instalove with once-bullied, weakling Kenz. My issue with instalove is just that it fails to convey the "why" part of the connection. I am just not carried along with the characters. I read all about this depth of feeling without, well, feeling it. And boy was it mentioned...

It's as if we can both see each other's souls.

Um, Really?

Like two hearts were becoming one.

So true, it gets mentioned twice.

He is the other half of me, he holds my heart.

And then again, albeit slightly reworded

She is my heart, without her I don't feel alive.

Yeah, OK. I get it.

You're my world, my heart.

Yeah yeah, jeez WE GET IT

Two souls that were meant to find the other

*punches self in face*

Look, I know it's a romance novel, but in my contemporary romance world bunches of roses, heart necklaces and carriage rides don't shout out modern romance. It's just not my cup of tea.


If you like sweet, heartfelt stories then this is the one for you! Kenz and Campbell's love is, well, "remarkable" as the author points out...