A review by erikachung182
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë


Video review is up: https://youtu.be/p6ww2_aS9A4

I don't know what took me so long to finish Jane Eyre, but I finally finished reading it and it's just wonderful! I'll probably do a review of this on my BookTube Channel (bc its late and I've got work tomorrow so I gotta crash soon). However, if anyone's ever been curious about Jane Eyre and wonder if it's worth reading, I say totally check it out!

I started reading Jane Eyre while my university was on strike back in March, and over the two months I've taken to read it, I have to say it really felt like Jane was a companion along for the ride as I went back to uni, finished my courses, completed final essays and the process of graduating.

I really liked how the character of Jane was just so strong, even during times when she went through a lot of uncertainty and confusion. Basically, I think she's awesome and I really respect her, and that's something I don't often feel and connect to with a character. She has dreams, goals and desires. All of which she wants and works hard for, but acknowledges when there are barriers she faces and cannot easily overcome. She unapologetic and proud of the goals she does accomplish, and she feels no shame in wanting to build a better life for herself knowing she does deserve better. But she doesn't let her dreams and desires cloud her judgement, and faces reality head on. Jane Eyre negotiates her way around the troubles she faces, and she's not afraid of encountering a very intimidating tidal wave. There were several moments as I read that I felt my heart break for her, and hoped things would pan out well (of course, I knew things would but still).

I greatly enjoyed the cast of characters and people that came in and out of Jane's life. They were all so interesting and contributed to how her character grew and developed over time. And course Mr.Rochester, he's one hell of guy (lol) to say the least. I wasn't entirely buying into the relationship between Rochester and Jane until much later in the book. I'm not sure why, but what did urge me on to read a lot at the beginning was being really nosy regarding how Rochester was going to explain the truth to Jane, and how she was going to handle the truth.

If you haven't read Jane Eyre yet, I highly recommend that you do! Totally worth it! =)