A review by cherrygeli
The Billionaire Needs a Bodyguard by Ravina Hilliard


*Dawn Hill Publishing sent me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

Given the synopsis you can probably guess the hijinks about to occur. Lex, a bodyguard pretending to be an escort pretending to be the girlfriend of a billionaire, Michael, makes for a fun quick read.
I would have liked a few scenes to be drawn out more. Such as Lex and Michael giving in to their attraction to one another. I enjoy a little 'will they/won't they' and would have liked seeing it build it up just a bit more.
The only thing I didn't like was Lex being SO self conscious. She's this badass lead bodyguard but doubts herself a lot, which I know we all do but come on! Having her rebuke every compliment was just annoying for me. I think it would be important readers who also feel this way to see Lex grow and learn to accept the compliments given to her.

There's a few eye rolling moments but overall I enjoyed reading this. Though I wasn't truly invested in the characters, the storyline kept me reading and the intimate scenes were done well. I give this 3 stars for 'good but there's room for improvement'.