A review by jovvijo
Starseed by Spider Robinson, Jeanne Robinson


Rain McLeod IS A DOPE!!!
Let's just get that out the way because once this is accepted you can forgive most of her behavior in the book. Also Robert's personality was a tad bit in question.
SpoilerOne minute a highly trained, competent, stoic spacer, the next minute a cold blooded, cowardly, killer who hates space things cos they're evil bad-bad, and then finally as a pathetic person seeming to renounce all that cos, "I was wrong, changed my mind, love you, okay I'm going to be killed now, bye bye

It has a few flaws okay, but honestly and truly I really enjoyed reading this little book!
Especially as it all takes place in space and lets you remember how utterly fragile life would be out there in the cold & black!

I also adored Kira and Ben, they are one of the best couples I've read about in...well pretty much any book or genre, the mixed race thing was a super cherry on the chocolate cake!
SpoilerWhich is why their death is so utterly brutal!! And deaths that felt like they weren't even necessary but used more for shock value & to make Rain go on her wee quest of righteousness...Gack! Spider! Anyone else!!! But then I suppose we'd not have felt it as much, and a good book really does stir up those EMOTIONS!

Recommended for folk who like light Sci-fi/Fantasy and those who like having their hearts ripped out coldly & clinically.