A review by 55_sallymander
Convicted: A Crooked Cop, an Innocent Man, and an Unlikely Journey of Forgiveness and Friendship by Jameel Zookie McGee, Andrew Collins, Mark A. Tabb


It is amazing how these two men Jameel (innocent young black man, from the wrong side of the tracks) and Andrew (crooked cop over zealous to make a great drug bust, no matter whose life it devastated, if the accused was innocent or guilty, all young black men from that part of town were guilty in his book); were thrown together over and over.

And yet young Jameel has the strength and the courage to call Andy his friend after much time spent in prayer to our Lord, who has given him knowledge and understanding about why this has happened to him.

This is a great book, it will pull at your heart and soul. #ConvictedTheBook