A review by xendlesslyreadingx
Friendship by Emily Gould


I'll admit, it took me a lot longer to finish this book than it should have at only 250 pages. I just could not get into it in the beginning. While I eventually came to enjoy the story, I could not bring myself to like the characters very much. Bev was alright and she grew on me a bit. I could deal with Sally. But Amy? There were so many times that I wanted to slap her in the face. She was so annoying and she thought she was so amazing when there was really nothing special about her. To me, she wasn't even remotely likable until the last ten pages, and even then "likable" is a stretch. I dreaded the chapters that focused on her and wished for more Bev chapters. At least Bev was doing something with her life.
I usually try not to talk negatively about books, especially online, but it really was not the book. It was just Amy. Bev's storyline was intriguing and I would have enjoyed the book much more if it focused completely on her with Amy just being her best friend and a side character.
My lack of love for this book has absolutely nothing to do with Emily Gould's writing, which I found to be honest and straight-forward. I would definitely read more from her as I truly enjoyed her writing style.