A review by stitchsaddiction
Gathering Frost by Kaitlyn Davis


"I wish I could say I was the hero of the story. A resister. A rebel. Someone who lived to bring an end to the queen who stole my childhood--my mother, my life, my very world. But I'm not. I'm not the good guy. I'm the one who puts the good guys in their graves.”

Gathering Frost is a perfect blend of fantasy and a dystopian adventure, which is based somewhat on the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty.

The idea of a modern-day city being reverted back to an almost Medieval style village with no technology and characters you may find in a classic storybook alongside enchanted forests. The world-building is excellent, and I loved how everything comes to life from the page. Kaitlyn Davis has created not only a wonderful world with characters whose entire world has become unrecognisable unless you recall being afraid of the troll who frightened Billy Goat Gruff, or houses that look like something you'd read about in Hansel and Gretel. I thought that the way the origin story of Sleeping Beauty was woven into the book was done in a unique and subtle manner so that it isn't a retelling but is instead its own story that holds the attention of the reader from the first page. 

The main character is far from the stereotypical helpless girl but rather a fighter who clings to the memories of life before. Whilst Jade isn't initially one to connect with, you witness her growth as the story unfolds you see the mask crack, and her true self unfolds. She's not defined by who she loves or how she should be, and I couldn't help a low chuckle at how she hates the stereotypical gowns, etcetera.

She, along with characters both good and evil, are excellently written, and every single one we encounter contributes to the story and brings it to life. 

It's a brilliant introduction to a series, and I hope with each book? More and more of the world comes to light because I'm really curious to see how everything will inevitably come together or fall apart.

Only time will tell.