A review by tienno22
Rescue on the Oregon Trail by Kate Messner


I was pleasantly surprised that I ended up enjoying this book.

This would not be the type of book that I would pick up at a bookstore now, but it was already on myself from when I bought it about 6 years ago - as you can tell, my reading style has altered a lot since then. However, I decided to give it ago since I am on a mission to read every book on my bookshelf.

It has an enticing plot that keeps you going. I don't ever remember it being static or boring. The character are wonderful. I have a big problem with annoying characters and this book made all the characters real and enjoyable.

Messner does an excellent job at formulating Ranger as a character. Having an animal as a main character is difficult, but Messner does this well. She makes Ranger a REAL dog. He acts like a real dog instead of some fictional creature that is intended to be a dog but doesn't make sense as a dog. He doesn't have any superhero crazy motives. His only motive throughout the novel is to get home to his owner, Luke. Ranger is REALISTIC and this makes him a well written character.

With this being said, this book is targeted towards younger, elementary school children so the content is heavy, deep, or enlightening. The writing is not extremely eloquent, but this is an excellent novel for children. It is fun to read and just something to kick-back and enjoy. Older readers may enjoy it as well if they are looking for a quick and spontaneous read.