A review by booksontheknightbus
Destiny of the Dead by Kel Kade


*Spoiler Free*

"Aaslo rubbed his chest as he led the odd group of horses and undead toward the chamber where he was most likely going to meet his own death.

Destiny of the Dead is a high fantasy written by Kel Kade featuring an antihero and a misfit gang of thieves, prophets, and dropout wizards. This is the sequel to Fate of the Fallen so if you haven't read that one, I highly recommend it ^o^ Aaslo, and his friends are starting off where we left off in book one. Along the way we get some new characters that add some more flair to the book. Book two would be the love child of Lord of the Rings meets a DND campaign where the GM is a dick. XD

I absolutely loved book two. Book one will probably remain my favorite of course but Destiny of the Dead brought a lot to the table and a lot more time with my favorite animal companion; Dolt. I loved how crazy this one became introducing new creatures with really creative designs. I love the inner fight Aaslo has with himself and his best friend (; The monologue is hilarious at times.

Some things that I wasn't a fan of.... 1. The storyline got pretty crazy introducing a bunch of new loopholes/plots that became pretty frustrating. It muddled the story. The other thing that drove me crazy was the fact that towards the end Aaslo started giving off morally grey vibes which isn't something his character has ever been about. There is also a chapter in the book where a weird sudden love interest thing happens. IT was very brief and didn't lead to anything. Honestly, I think it could have been left out.

Overall, I am very excited to see what happens in the third book. Will we get an ending?? Will it continue on to be a series? So many questions. I highly recommend these books. The writing is fantastic!