A review by imissyou
The Symposium by Plato


"Very different was the reward of the true love of Achilles towards his lover
his lover and not his love (the notion that Patroclus was the beloved one is a foolish error into which Aeschylus has fallen, for Achilles was surely the fairer of the two, fairer also
than all the other heroes; and, as Homer informs us, he was still beardless, and younger far)
And greatly as the gods honour the virtue of love, still the return of love on the part of the
beloved to the lover is more admired and valued and rewarded by them, for the lover is more
divine; because he is inspired by God. Now Achilles was quite aware, for he had been told by his
mother, that he might avoid death and return home, and live to a good old age, if he abstained
from slaying Hector. Nevertheless he gave his life to revenge his lover, and dared to die, not
only in his defence, but after he was dead. Wherefore the gods honoured him even above
Alcestis, and sent him to the Islands of the Blest. These are my reasons for affirming that Eros is
the eldest and noblest and mightiest of the gods; and the chiefest author and giver of virtue in
life, and of happiness after death."