A review by zany07
Seven Days of You by Cecilia Vinesse


Disclaimer: I received an ARC of this book. I chose to review it and this in no way impacts my opinion of it.

I received this novel from the lovely people at Hachette Book Group Canada and I was very excited to read it. I love novels that take place in countries other than the states and I especially love novels that take place in Japan. Sadly I was a little let down by Seven Days of You.

The story started out cute enough and I was enjoying the characters but the story quickly flipped into instalove and I hate when novels do that. Sophia went from hating Jamie to loving him in the blink of an eye or the flip of a page.

I was really hoping for more passionate dislike between Sophia and Jamie, with a lot more time building up their relationship. I dislike nothing more than instalove and instantly disappoints me in a book.

I enjoyed the Japanese aspects Vinesse threw in but I do wish we had a little more in the way of culture in the book. Though I wish for more, this was the part I liked most about this book.

If you don’t mind quick love and enjoy reading about Japan, you may enjoy this book. If you have read this book, I’d love to know you’re thoughts in the comments below!