A review by justmevictoria
Rascal by Katie McCoy


Some guys just know how to keep you up all night...

Alex has her head down working hard, aiming to score the associates position at the law firm she's working out. Only thing stopped her is the two other junior associates also vying for the position at the end of summer. So what Alex doesn't need during this already stressful time is to find out that a new bar is being build below her apartment, keeping her up at all hours. The only plus to this situation is the eye-candy that is the five best mates who own and run said bar. In particular, Emerson. When it's made clear that being more family and relationship-orientated could help her land the job, she asks Emerson to be her plus-one to a work event. Emerson's family name and connections seems to please her bosses, but it threatens to tear about any spark that is forming between Alex and Emerson.

Doesn't the cover just catch your eye immediately?

Of course once I read one Katie McCoy book, I just had to check out what else she had written. When I saw that this new series would be released throughout the year, I just had to jump on it and get reading. And this book did not disappoint.

Just the first paragraph of Alex's perspective had me hooked, and I really enjoyed reading from her perspective. She's a serious but fun character who was an interesting person to follow throughout the story. Adding in a few chapters from Emerson's perspective, it was great to get a glimpse into his head during moments of the story. Together, these characters had sexual tension oozing off the page, and you couldn't help but keep reading to see where they go next.

As the start in a companion novel series, I was excited to get an introduction to our other Rascals, and have a guess at who they could be paired up with. The small pieces we got with our future narrators definitely has me intrigued to dive into their stories asap.

The only part of this story that fell flat for me was the complication and drama that resulted. It seemed to have come from nowhere, and while it is believable in retrospect, I felt it needed a little more building up, rather than what felt like a random explosion of emotion that felt a little premature. Regardless, the overall story fits together well.

Contemporary romance fans, I can't not recommend this book to you. I know I say this about pretty much all the romance books I read, but what can I say, I'm a sucker for a cute and swoony romance read, especially one with alternating perspectives and companion sequels.