A review by the_clavicule_of_ac
Such Great Heights by Sydney Logan


Olivia Stuart is having trouble finding a teaching job, so her best friend, Dana, gets her a gig as a nanny to 5 year old Ryder- Dana’s nephew. It was supposed to be a temporary job where she could get some practice for when she could get in a classroom. Olivia didn’t mean to love her charge so much...or to fall for his handsome father.

Did I have a perma-smile while reading this book? Yes. Was it super sweet and sappy? Yes. I typically struggle with super sweet insta-love stories, but this was also a touching story about family and healing, that was refreshing to read during a time when the real world is so crazy and unpredictable. This book was a quick, light read without much conflict (which I would have liked a tad more of to make it seem more realistic). The author created characters you can’t help but fall in love with. Especially the cutest little boy, Ryder. If you’re looking for a clean, easy, and mostly drama free romance read, this is your book.

*An ARC of this book was provided to me, and in exchange I am leaving this honest review voluntarily.