A review by stowne01
The Order of Odd-Fish by James Kennedy


During my senoir year at high school i volunteered to help out at the Missouri Lit fest at UCM. i spent the whole day in a ballroom full of books ,paradise to be put simply. i had a little bit of money for lunch that i of course blew on books. Order of the Odd Fish kept jumping out at me , though i had no idea why. The description on the back seemed at the time a ok book , a little screwy but good. before i knew it i had already bought it. it was a few months before i read it , school distractions ya know but all the while i knew that what i had sitting on my shelf was going to be my new obbsession. i met James Kennedy at the fair and got him to autograph my copy. he showed us pictures and art work for the book and even did a reading ( Which was amazing , seriously if he wasnt such a gifted writer i say he should be a actor!). i was the oldest person in that room ( the rest were middle school age and lower) and they all looked bored out of their minds. i was on the edge of my seat , i hadnet been that engrossed in a book since the first time i read Harry potter when i was 10. to needless to say when i was asked what my favorite book was for a while there i immediatley said O.O.T.O.F and i hadnt even read it yet. So when school ended and i could finally sit down and give every inch of my attention to O.O.T.O.F , i was in heaven . a crazy , nonsinsical , pyschotic heaven. there comes a time when a reader picks up a book and without even reading the description KNOWS that there is something magical in their hands and probably will be their own new special kind of crack. Order of the Odd Fish is my kind of crack.