A review by mom2three
Protected and Punished by V.T. Bonds


V. T. Bonds always delivers emotionally intense reads, but this one might just top the list. I feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest and stomped on. It was brutal. It kind of sounds strange to say this, but it's beautiful in all it's brutality. There were very few moments when I didn't feel like I wanted to burst into tears, but the fact that Ms. Bonds can evoke that level of emotion shows what a master she is at her craft. The situations the characters find themselves in are horrifying and their strength is beyond measure. As a survivor of childhood trauma, I could easily relate to the female character and I found her inner core both reassuring and inspiring. Nothing brings me more joy than reading about a character who lives through hell and comes out stronger. That's what this story is. No matter how bad things are, and they can be pretty bad, there is hope.

This is my favorite story in this series, so far, and after that ending I can't wait to get my hands on the next one.